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Open course index
Tourism Marketing
3. Sustanaible Tourism October 16th
How to make and itinerary
How to make and itinerary
Klicken Sie auf '
How to make and itinerary
', um die Ressource zu öffnen
◄ Report Sustainable Cultural Tourism
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Text book for beginners
Creating a project in 6 steps
How to cite in APA style
UNWTO: facebook profile
Film tourism (impact)
1st lesson - Introduction to the course
Homework: watch this video before next lesson (principles of marketing)
2nd lesson
The history of Beadeker guidebooks
CV Karl Beadeker
Homework: watch this video - the link also is in presentation
Homework: text for reading - Tourism history - the link also is in presentation
Sustainability communication in tourism – A literature review
Tourism for SDG´s
Video - product
3rd and 4th lesson
Report Sustainable Cultural Tourism
Table (evidence of your articles)
Guidelines for 1st task
3rd and 4th lesson (kopie)
Case Study nr. 1 (4P´s)
Case study nr. 2 (4C´s)
table for mystery shopping
About mystery shopping
Homework : watch this video
Submission of 2nd Task
5th lesson
Other segmentation methods in tourism
Homework: watch video before next lesson
6th lesson
Case study: SLEPTe (PESTe) analysis and PORTER five forces model
Homework: read the text before next lesson. Text: "the art of communication in the tourism industry"
7th lesson
Homework: watch this video
Communication of marketing product
Special assignment: Local destination survey (field activity)
8th lesson
Submission of 1st Task
Voluntary reading: Measuring Tourist Satisfaction
Submission of Team Project
Final TEST
presentation ►