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Open course index
History of Music I.
14. December - 21. December
The Dance Suite: 4th part: Gigue
The Dance Suite: 4th part: Gigue
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The Dance Suite: 4th part: Gigue
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◄ The Dance Suite: 3rd part: Sarabande
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SYLABUS + Requirements For Credits + Listening Test Items
Lecture No. 1: Music of the Primeval Ages and the Ancient Time
Old Ambrosian Chant Singing
Antiphonal sources
Hymn - Pange lingua
Free Organum: Musica Enchiriadis: Rex coeli
Era of Saint Martial school: Florid organum: Benedicamus Domino
Perotin Magnus: Sederunt
Reading: Ars antiqua and Ars nova in the context
Petrus de Cruce
Adam de la Halle
England: Summer Canon
Philippe de Vitry
Machaut: Messe de Notre Dame
A song of G. de Machaut
Adam de la Halle: Bonne amourette
Rondeau / troubadour songs
Troubadour songs: Alba / Aube
Kalenda maya
Piere Cardenal: troubadour / trouver songs
Bernard de Ventadorn: A Nightingale Song
Walter von der Vogelweide: The Song of Palestina
R. Wagner: Meistersinger von Nurnberg
Carl Orff: Carmina burana
Lecture No. 5b: Medieval Musical Instruments
Johannes Ciconia: Una Panthera / Medieval Musical Instruments
Crwth / Chrotta
J. Ockeghem: Missa prolationum
J. Ockeghem: Missa L´homme armé
G. Binchois: Filles a marier
J. Dunstable: Quam pulchra es
G. Dufay: Nuper rosarum flores
Josquin Desprez: Missa L´homme armé
Josquin Desprez: El grillo
Lecture No. 7: 16th century / INFO
G. P. da Palestrina: Missa Papae Marcelli
A. Willaert: Ave Regina Coelorum
O. di Lasso: Echo
O. di Lasso: Matona mia cara
G. Gabrieli: Alma cortes e bella
VOLUNTARY: Lecture No. 7B: Renaissance in Spain - T. L. de Victoria
John Eliot Gardiner - MP3 Podcast / Cl. Monteverdi
Podcast: Monteverdi and his Constellation - more about it...
Great Composers: Claudio Monteverdi
Monteverdi: The Genius of the Vespers
Cl. Monteverdi: Lamento d´Arianna / original monody
Cl. Monteverdi: Lamento d´Arianna
An excerpt from the movie Farinelli: Ombra fedele
Italian overture (18th century): D. Scarlatti
Lecture No. 11: Instrumental Music of the 17th Century
Frescobaldi: Fiori Musicali
F. Couperin: Pieces de Clavecin
Vivaldi: The Four Seasons
D. Gaultier: Le tombeau...
G. Tartini: Il trillo del diavolo
The Dance Suite: 1st part: L´Allemande
The Dance Suite: 2nd part: Courante
The Dance Suite: 3rd part: Sarabande
The Principles of Music: The Pachelbel Progression
The Principles of Music: The "La Folia" Progression
The Principles of Music: The Pachelbel Progression ►