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Open course index
History of Music II.
3rd WEEK
G. Tartini: Il trillo del diavolo
G. Tartini: Il trillo del diavolo
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G. Tartini: Il trillo del diavolo
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◄ D. Gaultier: Le tombeau de Monsieur de l'Enclos
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A Brief Introduction of Baroque Music
The Baroque Era
Lecture: Dramatic Music of the Baroque Period
Le Roi Danse / J. B. Lully
Cl. Monteverdi: Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinde
J. Ph. Rameau: Les Sauvages / Les Indes Galante
H. Purcell: Dido a Aeneas / Dido´s lament
J. B. Lully: Ballet de la Nuit
Baroque theatre - an interesting example / a maquette
Lecture: Instrumental Music of the 17th Century
G. Frescobaldi: Fiori musicali / Bergamasca
F. Couperin: Pieces de clavecin / Le Rossignol en amour
A. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons / The Spring / I. Perlman
D. Gaultier: Le tombeau de Monsieur de l'Enclos
The Dance Suite: 1st part: L´Allemande
The Dance Suite: 2nd part: Courante
The Dance Suite: 3rd part: Sarabande
The Dance Suite: 4th part: Gigue
The Principles of Music: The Pachelbel Progression
The Principles of Music: The "La Folia" Progression
Lecture: Antonio Vivaldi
Vivaldi´s Biography (short) and J. S. Bach Connection
Four Seasons - a great interpretation with authentic instruments /
The last tip: a short biography in a movie / A. Vivaldi
Lecture: Johann Sebastian Bach
Partita for Violin Solo No. 1
Brandenburg Concerto No. 3
Air on the G String
Christmass Oratory / Jauchzet frohlocket / No. 1
Matthew Passion: Erbarme Dich
Lecture: Georg Friedrich Haendel
Water Music / Suite
Rinaldo: Lascia chio pianga / from the movie Farinelli
Flute Sonate G major / Flute + Continuo
Lecture: Sacral Music of the Baroque Period
Cl. Monteverdi: Vesperae Virginis Mariae
G. B. Pergolesi: Stabat Mater
L. Viadana: Cento concerti ecclasiastici / Duo seraphim clamabant
BBC DOCUMENTARY: The Story of Allegri´s Miserere
G. Allegri: Miserere mei Deus
J. S. Bach: Mass in B minor / BWV 232
M. Luther: Ein feste Burg
H. Schuetz: The Last Seven Words of Jesus
Lecture: The Birth of the Classical Period
Lecture / 2nd Part: The Mannheim School / "tricks" - watch from 13:17
The Principles of Music: The Musical Memes of Mannheim / (5:03)
Classical Style - Composing Inspirations
J. Haydn: Andante / Symphony No. 94 - Surprise
W. A. Mozart: Rondo Alla Turca
G. B. Pergolesi: La Serva Padrona / Watch a recitative and an aria from min. 18
Ch. W. Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice / aria Che faro senza EurIdice
VOLUNTARY BONUS: Gluck: Orfeo ed EurIdice / whole opera with English subtitles
An example of a later sonata form: W. A. Mozart - Piano Sonata No. 16 C major
J. V. Stamic: Symphony E Flat Major, No. 4
Lecture: The Classical Period / The First Viennese School
J. Haydn: Baryton Trio D Major
Introduction of the BARYTON instrument
J. Haydn: Symphony No. 94 / "Surprise Symphony" / 2nd Movement: Andante - 8:28 (!)
J. Haydn: Symphony No. 101 "The Clock"
J. Haydn: Symphony No. 45 "Farewell Symphony" / Watch (at least) from 22:00 - the last five minutes
J. Haydn: "The heavens are telling" from the oratorio CREATION
W. A. Mozart: An excerpt from Amadeus / The Abduction from the Seraglio
W. A. Mozart: Dies irae from the Requiem
W. A. Mozart: Symphony No. 41 / "Jupiter Symphony" - Analysis of the last movement - counterpoint (!)
W. A. Mozart: The Magic Flute / Aria of the Queen of the Night
W. A. Mozart: Analysis / Piano Sonata No. 1
Lecture: The First Viennese School / Ludwig van Beethoven
Lecture: L. van Beethoven Once More - an Influence Upon 19th Century Composers
Beethoven - A very short introduction
Eroica / Leonard Bernstein
Pastoral Symphony / Herbert von Karajan
Moonlight Sonata / Valentina Lisitsa
Grosse Fugue, Op. 133 / Talich Quartet
Fidelio - a famous quartet from the 1st act Mir ist so wunderbar
The end of the 9th Symphony - Freude schoener Goetterfunken
2nd part - Context: How did Beethoven change the face of music?
Eroica 4th movement - Analysis
Patetique Sonate / D. Barenboim
Sonata No. 17 Storm - listen with the material from pdf
Fidelio - a new "romantic" sound of arias
String Quartet No. 16 with "Muss es sein?" / Listen at least from 21:45 - Grave
Lecture: Orchestral Music 1800 - 1850
Lecture: Yale University: The Colossal Symphony - listen (at least :) ) 35 minutes
Schubert: Unfinished Symphony
Mendelssohn: Symphony no.5 "Reformation"
Schumann: Symphony No. 4
Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique
Berlioz - Ideé fixe - Explanation / Bernstein
Mendelssohn: "A Midsummer Night's Dream" Suite
The Dance Suite: 1st part: L´Allemande ►