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Krize liberalismu
19. 10. Illiberalismus
Orbán Proslov 1 2014
Orbán Proslov 1 2014
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Orbán Proslov 1 2014
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◄ Orbán Prosolv 2 2018
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RUPNIK Crisis of liberalism 2018
Zielonka Why they hate liberals
Zakaria Illiberal Democracy
Orbán Prosolv 2 2018
Andras LANCZI Political Realism and Wisdom
VARGA Ideational foundations of illiberalism in Hungary
Buzogany Varga Against “post-communism” The conservative dawn in Hungary
R. LEGUTKO Demon in Democracy
NC Dambrowska New conservativism in Poland
CALDWELL Hungary and the Future of Europe
P. Deneen: Proč liberalismus selhal (půjčím exemplář)
Rod DREHER The Benedict Option FAQ
A. MacIntyre Tradition constituted inquiry
P. DENEEN Tragedy of Liberalism
Marc Lilla The Once and Future liberal - půjčím exemplář
Světlo, které pohaslo: Vyúčtování - Holmes Stephen, Krastev - půjčím exemplář
Marc F. Plattner „Illiberal Democracy and the Struggle on the Right“
Ivan Krastev, Stephen Holmes: Imitation and Its Discontents
JC Michéa : Tajnosti levice -půjčím exemplář
Colin Crouch: The Strange death of neo-liberalism -exemplář půjčím
Andras LANCZI Political Realism and Wisdom ►