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Open course index
Early Iron Age in the Central European context on the example of Moravia
Commented lectures from last year, chronological tables, literature, videos
VIDEO - Making Glass Beads (Viking style)
VIDEO - Making Glass Beads (Viking style)
VIDEO - Making Glass Beads (Viking style)
◄ VIDEO - Smelting and forging bloom iron
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Chronological table - sites, phenomens, ancient greece, events and personalities
Chronological table - basic informations
Commented lecture for dowload. 01 - Introduction to Hallstatt Period 1 ‒ Mediterranean, Black Sea, the Near East
Commented lecture for dowload. 02 - Introduction to Hallstatt Period 2 ‒ West and East Hallstatt Culture
Commented lecture for dowload. 03 – Moravia in the Hallstatt Period
Commented lecture for dowload. 05 ‒ Burials of elites (magnate mounds and graves) and other burial grounds
Commented lecture for dowload. 07 ‒ Hilltop settlement of the Hallstatt Period ‒ hillforts
Commented lecture for dowload. 08 ‒ Mining, production and production sites of the Hallstatt Period
Commented lecture for dowload. 09 ‒ Hoards as a phenomenon of the Platěnice group of the East Hallstatt culture
Commented lecture for dowload. 10 – Central cave sanctuary Habrůvka ‒ Býčí skála
Commented lecture for dowload. 11 ‒ Interregional contacts ‒ commodities, trade and its actors
VIDEO - Ancient Bronze Casting In The Wild
VIDEO - Smelting and forging bloom iron
VIDEO - Amber making (Poland)
VIDEO - Amber pendant making
Commented lecture for dowload. 06 ‒ Settlements of the Hallstatt Period ‒ lowland settlements and homesteads
VIDEO - Magnate grave Brno-Holásky H1 – „U Tuřan“
VIDEO - Magnate grave Brno-Holásky H2 – „U Tuřan“
Golec, M. 2017 - The phenomenom of Býčí skála cave
Golec, M. - Fojtík, P. 2020 - Centrum východohalštatské kultury
Mírová, Z. 2019 - The horse in the Bronze and Iron Ages in Moravia
Mírová, Z. - Golec, M. 2018 - Hallstatt Magnate graves from Brno-Holásky 1 and 2 in Central European context
Venclová, N. ed. 2013 - The prehistory of Bohemia - Early Iron Age
Alte Burg - hippodrome video
01 - Introduction to Hallstatt Period 1 ‒ Mediterranean, Black Sea, the Near East
02 - Introduction to Hallstatt Period 2 ‒ West and East Hallstatt Culture
03 – Moravia in the Hallstatt Period
04 ‒ Identification of the elites in the Hallstatt Period in Moravia
05 ‒ Burials of elites (magnate mounds and graves) and other burial grounds
06 ‒ Settlements of the Hallstatt Period ‒ lowland settlements and homesteads
07 ‒ Hilltop settlement of the Hallstatt Period ‒ hillforts
08 ‒ Mining, production and production sites of the Hallstatt Period
09 ‒ Hoards as a phenomenon of the Platěnice group of the East Hallstatt culture
10 – Central cave sanctuary Habrůvka ‒ Býčí skála
VIDEO - Amber making (Poland) ►