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Anglický jazyk pro neslyšící a nedoslýchavé 3
Week 10th October
handout C
handout C
Требуемые условия завершения
◄ handout B
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Učebnice New English File Intermediate - NE 3rd edition!
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handout A
handout B
handout A
handout B
Past Simple + Past Continuous 1
Past Simple + Past Continuous 2
Past Simple + Past Perfect
What do the British eat?
Present Simple and Continuous
Present Simple and Continuous 2
each other vs. myself
each other vs. myself
Handout A
handout A
handout B - present perfect or past simple
Present Simple-past simple 1
Present Perfect or Past Simple - 2
handout - Present Perfect Continuous
present perfect continuous - questions
Handout Have to/ must/ should
handout - comparatives and superlatives
handout B - Compare the pictures
handout A
Presentation - January 2nd
Revision - present future tenses
Revision - present perfect and past simple
Revison - comparatives and superlatives
Revision - modal verbs
Revision - modal verb - deduction
Vocab - food and cooking
Vocab - money
Vocab - sport
Vocab - personality
Vocab - transport
Revision - present future tenses
Revision - present perfect and past simple
Revison - comparatives and superlatives
Revision - modal verbs
Revision - modal verb - deduction
Vocab - food and cooking
Vocab - money
Vocab - sport
Vocab - personality
Vocab - transport
handout A ►