14:07:50 From Pamela Danielle Cotte : Forum 2000 conference online starts today https://www.forum2000.cz/en/homepage Deal or no deal You may have heard this one before, but this week is definitely a crunch one for Brexit negotiations. Talks between the U.K. and EU over their post-Brexit relations continue in Brussels today, targeting a deal ahead of Thursday's leaders summit. Prime Minister Boris Johnson held talks with both French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel over the weekend in an attempt to find a breakthrough. While optimism remains a deal will be found, both the U.K. and EU negotiators have said they will not do one at any cost. Source: Bloomberg America news 14:09:45 From Pamela Danielle Cotte : First part (50 minutes) - detailed analysis of a topic in current affairs 10 minutes – expert presentation 5-10 minutes- opponent’s critique and questions for the expert 20-25 minutes – open discussion 3-5 minutes - formal critique Second part (30 minutes) - week in review 10-15 minutes for each of the 2 events First part (50 minutes) - detailed analysis of a topic in current affairs 10 minutes – expert presentation 5-10 minutes- opponent’s critique and questions for the expert 20-25 minutes – open discussion 3-5 minutes - formal critique Second part (30 minutes) - week in review 10-15 minutes for each of the 2 events 14:50:46 From Pamela Danielle Cotte : Discussion questions 1. Do you think that the coronavirus pandemic will change people's mindset in the sense that they will become more careful and environmentally friendly? 2. Do you think governments act correctly when they postpone environmental issues and deal only with the pandemic? 14:52:06 From Pamela Danielle Cotte : data-based evidence -based 15:03:32 From Sára Lochmanová : Uighurs 15:03:41 From Sára Lochmanová : Uygurs 15:07:05 From Sára Lochmanová : Why do you think that the Czech Republic should speak out (or not) about the issue? Why do you think that the Muslim nations have been relatively quiet about this? 15:11:51 From Sára Lochmanová : How would you personally battle the misinformation on the Internet and how would you prevent the misinformation? Do you think that the QAnon could still have some sort of a bigger impact on the November elections despite Facebook’s ban? 15:18:56 From Pamela Danielle Cotte : media literacy