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Cizí jazyk I. a II. - angličtina (KOMBIN.)
Exercises: - ing X to, passive
Exercises: - ing X to, passive
Требуемые условия завершения
Mark as done
◄ Exercises with Key: Irreg. plurals of Latin/Greek origin
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Requirements Grammar/Vocabulary
PRESENTATION - English grammar in specialized texts (the second teaching block)
Example 1 of student´s good presentation, grammar in specialized texts
Example 2, Present Perfect Tense
Example 3, phrasal verbs and collocations
sample test with key
Instructions in tests, Word classes
Sample Test - current model version
Sample Test - current model version with KEY and comments
Big Bang Theory - Back to Future Tenses
Manual for Self-Study
Pages to be used (from the textbook)
Making Progress Part 1
Making Progress Part 2
Making Progress Revisions
Making Progress Gram. Reviews
Useful Transcript and Key
Test mistakes I
Test mistakes II
Additional Materials
1st and 2nd TEACHING BLOCK and compulsory HOMEWORK
Good examples taken from students´ homework
Irregular verbs in groups, Passive, Conditionals, Inversion, Relative sentences, Irreg. plurals of Latin/Greek origin
Slovník pojmů v univerzitních předpisech
KAMV andragogika, management Č-A slovník 2020
Education - vocabulary exercises with key
Exercises with Key: Irreg. plurals of Latin/Greek origin
Exercises: - ing X to, passive - KEY
Passive - exercises with KEY (4 pages)
EXC. work-job, relations-relationship, education-upbringing
KEY EXC. work-job, relations-relationship, education-upbringing
EXC. relative sentences A-Č
EXC. conditional sentences A-Č
Presentations - with questions
Czech Education System
History of Charles University
Oxford Uni
Abstract: Methodology - transition, Č + A (translated)
2 abstracts as an example (=voluntary)
LINKS to youtube videos: grammar, songs, andragogy x pedagogy
Bad vs Good Presentations in 10 points
Bad vs Good Presentations (Ranjit)
Exercises: - ing X to, passive - KEY ►