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Balkán v politice velmocí v době rozpadu bipolárního světa JMB 249
1) Velmocenská politika na Balkáně – úvod, 3. 10. 2018
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1_Intervence a působení velmocí na balkánském poloostrově.pptx
pro zobrazení souboru.
◄ Doder, How We Made the Balkans
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Sundhaussen, The Balkan Peninsula: A Historical Region Sui Generis
Doder, How We Made the Balkans
Sundhaussen, The Balkan Peninsula: A Historical Region Sui Generis
Doder, How We Made the Balkans
Glenny, City of the Dead
2 Balkánské státy v politice velmocí
2 Otázky k četbě
jmb249 chrzova mordovamarketa referat
Glenny, City of the Dead
2 Balkánské státy v politice velmocí
2 Otázky k četbě
jmb249 chrzova mordovamarketa referat
Rajak, Early Cold War
3.Titova politika jako alternativa vůči bipolárnímu bloku
3 Otázky k četbě
Rajak, Early Cold War
3.Titova politika jako alternativa vůči bipolárnímu bloku
3 Otázky k četbě
Botsiou_Balkan Dilemmas in the 1970s and 1980s
4.NATO vs. Varšavská smlouva
4 otazky k cetbe
Botsiou_Balkan Dilemmas in the 1970s and 1980s
4.NATO vs. Varšavská smlouva
4 otazky k cetbe
Dragovic-Soso_Why did Yugoslavia disintegrate? The overview of contending factors.
5 Rozpad Jugoslávie
Dragovic-Soso_Why did Yugoslavia disintegrate? The overview of contending factors.
5 Rozpad Jugoslávie
6 Kaldor New Wars BiH Case Study - The Nature of International Involvement, pp. 57-68.
Woodward, Susan. The Balkan Tragedy- BiH case
Kuperman Moral Hazard of Humanitarian Intervention, BiH and Kosovo case study
6 Komentáře k četbě
6 Kaldor New Wars BiH Case Study - The Nature of International Involvement, pp. 57-68.
Woodward, Susan. The Balkan Tragedy- BiH case
Kuperman Moral Hazard of Humanitarian Intervention, BiH and Kosovo case study
6 Komentáře k četbě
Kuperman Moral Hazard of Humanitarian Intervention - Introduction + Conclusion, pp. 49-52 + 75
Gowan NATO Powers and the Balkan Tragedy - Conclusion, pp. 103-105
Woodward, Susan. The Balkan Tragedy- Introduction The Argument in Brief 1995
Gallagher_The International Dimension of the Escalating Crisis in Yugoslavia
7 Interpretace podílu velmocí
Kuperman Moral Hazard of Humanitarian Intervention - Introduction + Conclusion, pp. 49-52 + 75
Gowan NATO Powers and the Balkan Tragedy - Conclusion, pp. 103-105
Woodward, Susan. The Balkan Tragedy- Introduction The Argument in Brief 1995
Gallagher_The International Dimension of the Escalating Crisis in Yugoslavia
7 Interpretace podílu velmocí
8 Bieber Building Impossible States State Building Strategies and EU Membership in the Western Balkans
8 Bechev Carrots sticks and norms the EU and regional cooperation in Southeast Europe
8 Noutcheva Fake partial and imposed compliance the limits of the EU s normative power in the Western Balkans
EU enlargement
8 Komentáře k četbě
8 Bieber Building Impossible States State Building Strategies and EU Membership in the Western Balkans
8 Bechev Carrots sticks and norms the EU and regional cooperation in Southeast Europe
8 Noutcheva Fake partial and imposed compliance the limits of the EU s normative power in the Western Balkans
EU enlargement
8 Komentáře k četbě
CIA Yugoslavia transformed
9 postrehy k cetbe
Referat Filip Šourek Vývoj postojů USA vůči Balkánu po Studené válce
CIA Yugoslavia transformed
9 postrehy k cetbe
Referat Filip Šourek Vývoj postojů USA vůči Balkánu po Studené válce
10 Lynch The Realism of Russias Foreign Policy
10 Djordjevic Review of Headley-Russia and the Balkans Foreign Policy from Yeltsin to Putin
10 Kubicek Russian Foreign Policy and the West
10 Postřehy k četbě
10 Lynch The Realism of Russias Foreign Policy
10 Djordjevic Review of Headley-Russia and the Balkans Foreign Policy from Yeltsin to Putin
10 Kubicek Russian Foreign Policy and the West
10 Postřehy k četbě
11 Bechev Turkey in the Balkans Taking a Broader View
11 Turkish Foreign Policy Towards the Balkans New activism, neo-ottomanism or so
11 Turkish Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era The Challenges of Multi-Regionalism
11 Turecko na Balkáně
11 Postřehy k četbě
11 Bechev Turkey in the Balkans Taking a Broader View
11 Turkish Foreign Policy Towards the Balkans New activism, neo-ottomanism or so
11 Turkish Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era The Challenges of Multi-Regionalism
11 Turecko na Balkáně
11 Postřehy k četbě
Sundhaussen, The Balkan Peninsula: A Historical Region Sui Generis ►