Exercise 1: Present Continuous x Present Simple
You will find an excerise with 22 tasks. Each correct answer is one point. Make sure, you have enough time before starting doing this exercise as there is a time limit of 20 minutes. The time limit is quite generous, you should work faster, because I believe you won't need 1 minute for a single task. Make sure you submit the completed excersise before the end of the time limit. You need to get 60% (13 points) of correct answers. If you happen not to succeed for the first time, you have two more attempts to try.
It as a short-answer excerise, which means you need to type in your answer. Be careful with mispelling mistakes because the answers will not be accepted as correct if they are misspelled. It doesn't matter if you use capital letters or not.
IMPORTANT: Do not use contracted forms (isn't, doesn't, 're etc.) but use full forms (is not, does not, are etc.) only.
Attempts allowed: 3
Time limit: 20 mins
Grading method: Highest grade
Grade to pass: 13.00 out of 22.00