* trigonum colli ant. = anterior neck triangle
* trig. submandibulare = submandibular triangle
* trig. caroticum = carotic triangle
* trig. scalenorum (i think that rather the scalenic gap (or fissure (fissura scalenorum)) is meant here)
* fossa infratemporalis = infratemporal fossa
* fossa pterygopalatina = pterygopalatine fossa
* mediastinum
* topographic relations between oesophagus and trachea
* topographic relations of pericardium
* axilla
* fossa cubiti = cubital fossa
* spatium palmare medium = middle palmar space
* peritoneal cavity, divisions (parts)
* definition of intra-, retro- and secondarily retroperitoneal organs (+ examples)
* bursa omentalis = lesser (peritoneal) sac
* omentum minus = lesser omentum
* lig. hepatoduodenale = hepatoduodenal ligament
* ductus choledochus (bile duct), its course and parts
* attachment of transverse mesocolon
* division of inframesocolic space (by the course of the root of the mesentery (of the small intestine)) (including difference in the blood supply)
* course of ureter
* projection of appendix and gallbladder on anterior abdominal wall
* anterior abdominal wall, its arrangement
* vagina musculorum rectorum = sheath of rectus abdominis muscle
* canalis inguinalis = inguinal canal + hernias
* trigonum femorale = femoral triangle
* fossa iliopectinea = iliopectineal fossa
* femoral hernias
* fossa poplitea = popliteal fossa
* medial and lateral retromalleolar space
* plantar layers
* topography of pelvis (male+female)
* plica lata uteri = broad ligament of uterus
* fossa ischiorectalis = ischiorectal fossa
Zuletzt geändert: Samstag, 3. August 2013, 14:31