Go back to the handout about the structure of a presentation. Make sure that you have "verbal paragraphs" in your presentation. That is, use signposts. It is not always easy to remember any of them when we are nervous.

My method is to write these out. I would have a piece of paper with numbers of slides, maybe key words / expressions I want to remember to use in each of these, possibly marking pronunciation, and in red I would write linking signposts in between them.


1. My talk will focus on ...

2. First, ... Second, ... which goes hand in hand with ... Finally...

Let me begin with...

3. triangle inequality,

 is a sufficient and necessary condition of ...

Now moving on to finite sets...

4. ...is a subset of B with the property that...

and so on.

This, of course, is only what works for me. Feel free to use your personal method.


Most importantly, FORMAL. Please try to be a professional. No "stuff like that" and "kind of" "gonna" "it's like you know, mates" or "I'll put these quys to the other side and".

Prethink if you will be saying any indirect questions (probably yes). Try to prethink what they are going to be.

Pronunciation: check the words which are suspicious to you, and especially the mathematical terminology you will be using.

Zuletzt geändert: Sonntag, 12. April 2020, 16:54