

par Zuzana Bartoníčková,
Nombre de réponses : 1

1 What was new or interesting to you in the article on p. 71?

- It was definitely a new fact for me that lying can be detected more by the words people say than by their body language. I thought that body language would more likely reveal a lie. But the lying among the gorillas definitely suprised me the most. It must be funny to experience alie from a gorilla.

2. What things do people generally lie about?

-I think people lie the most about their personal failure, or about something unpleasant in general. Lying helps them escape from unpleasant feelings and may protect them.

3. Why do people lie? What advantage do they gain from lying?

- I basically answered that in the previous question. I assume that lying plays a role in protecting yourself.

4. Are all lies equally wrong/ bad, or is lying sometimes justified?

- I would say that lying is sometimes justified but in a long term isn´t helpful because it is just a matter of time when the truth reveals itself.  For sure not all lies are equall.Sometimes a little lie doesn´t do that much harm and can be helpful but in most cases lying just isn´t worth it and it is better to face the reality.

En réponse à Zuzana Bartoníčková

Re: lying

par Yui Iijima,
I read your responds of the article, and I'm interested in the comment that you said that in long tern lies is not helpful. I also think lies is useful only for short time and lies will come out eventually.