

von Yui Iijima -
Number of replies: 1

1 What was new or interesting to you in the article on p. 71?

  I'm interested in the sentence " the simple fact is that real clues to deceit are in the words that people use, not the body language". As article said that I also look people's face and behavior people associate with lying, but according to survey lying are in words. I was a little bit afraid that i may be saying fewer words or speak less when I lied. 

2. What things do people generally lie about?

 I think people lie when they have mistakes. 

3. Why do people lie? What advantage do they gain from lying?

 I think people lie to present themselves better. And also they lie when they do not have confidence in themselves.

4. Are all lies equally wrong/ bad, or is lying sometimes justified?

 I thin there are not only wrong or bad lies, but also essential lies and kind lies or white lies. there are some opportunity that people have to lie depends on situation. For example lies that protect the relationship between family or friends... I think people need to judge the lies that are okay to tell and the lies that people should not tell by looking at the situation. 

In reply to Yui Iijima

Re: Lying

von Zuzana Bartoníčková -
Hi! I have to agree with your concern about your own lying in the first question. This whole article also made me rethink my previous lies and I am curious if I was a good liar or not.