

von Vanda Kokošková -
Number of replies: 1

1 What was new or interesting to you in the article on p. 71?

What amazed me the most was the fact that even primates are capable of lying and the fact that the visible signs of lying like avoiding eye contact are a myth. At the same time, I always thought it was weird because when you want to lie you wouldn't want it to be obvious.

2. What things do people generally lie about?

I would say that most people lie about emotions because it is kind of socially acceptable. Except for people close to you, nobody wants to know that you are not feeling well when they ask you for instance "How are you".

3. Why do people lie? What advantage do they gain from lying?

Lying might be evolutionarily important because humans always needed to cooperate. Social status might also play a role. The need for good social status is I think engraved in our minds, and some people can use lying to improve it. 

4. Are all lies equally wrong/ bad, or is lying sometimes justified?

I think that so-called white lies are okay, because they are not harmful, but some people would disagree.

In reply to Vanda Kokošková

Re: Lying

von Magdalena Kopičková -
Absolutely! I'm right there with you.The discovery of primates' ability to deceive is really interesting. And yeah, people often fib about feelings to keep things smooth. Lying might've started way back for teamwork and fitting in. As for little white lies, I agree they're usually harmless, though some folks might see it differently.