organic food

organic food

par Kateřina Fořtová,
Nombre de réponses : 1

 Organic food is increasingly popular nowadays.  most of the people think that this kind of food is healthier. Maybe it is a good idea to don’t use pesticides or other chemicals, but on the other hand the food is already mostly expensive. When i imagine how expensive it would be, if the farmers would grow only organic plants, it really terrifying. I mean that organic food is kind of luxury, not everyone can afford it. It would have drastic consequences on society.

 I think that people should encourage using fewer chemicals instead of not using them at all. My biology teacher at secondary school once told me, that the organic food is mostly more dangerous for people than the food which was grown with chemicals, because it can rot and mould more quickly.

133 mots

En réponse à Kateřina Fořtová

Re: organic food

par Iaroslava Zabruskova,

I share your point of view. I think that people's desire for healthier and better food with fewer chemicals is definitely right. However, we should take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of organic food. In my opinion, we should use new methods wisely, but we do not need to abandon them completely.

55 mots