Organic food

Organic food

by Iaroslava Zabruskova -
Number of replies: 1

How popular is organic food in your country?

From my opinion, organic food is not very popular in my country due to its high price. I am sure that a large part of the population in my country can't even afford to buy enough basic food, let alone organic food. Agriculture in our country is well developed, but the main focus is on quantity rather than quality. The government prefers to use more technology in farming and all methods that can increase production speed.

Do you think people should be encouraged to eat

organic food? Why? I Why not?

I share the idea that eating organic food is a way to distinguish yourself from the crowd of people who eat junk food. It makes you believe that you are healthier and more caring about yourself and the environment. However, as we know from the article, it is only an illusion that natural food is healthier. I believe that we need to get rid of prejudices about using technology and be better informed about the real impact of the food we consume on our organism.

184 words

In reply to Iaroslava Zabruskova

Re: Organic food

by Samuel Kuba -
I think that people are becoming more conscious about the enviroment and they are starting to spend more money on organic food. But i agree that for a lot of people, especially students, the price is still quite high.

39 words