Presentation 4 - Txtng is killing language

Presentation 4 - Txtng is killing language

by Kristýna Uřídilová -
Number of replies: 0

1) Write down specific phrases and words typical for academic style:  the idea is that, in order to, emergent complexity, according to, conscious process, have shown, word packet, the point of it was, so therefore, despite the fact that, lack of concern, in order to, the substrate of texting, marker of empathy, increasing evidence, cognitively beneficial, is evidence of, in closing

Presentation skills

The presentation skills of the speaker are good. He speaks confidently and has a presentation prepared to keep the attention of his listeners. The way he presents is also entertaining; he adds many funny comments related to his speech which keeps his listeners interested.

2) What is the presentation about?

The presentation is about the idea that texting is often considered a negative influence on young people's writing and reading skills. The author argues that this is not true and that texting is actually a remarkable form of communication, as it allows people to write as they speak. The author notes that speech is the main way we use language and writing is something we only learn later on. He claims that historically, people used to speak as they write, but with modern technology, people can now write as they speak, which is what texting is. The author suggests that although texting may seem less structured and rule-bound than traditional writing, it is a valuable form of communication.