Julie - Total physical response

Julie - Total physical response

par Julie Sedlářová,
Nombre de réponses : 2

Key words:

  • physical respond
  • teacher-centered
  • student-centered
  • absence of stress
  • everyday situation
  • inductive
  • repetition
  • chunks
En réponse à Julie Sedlářová

Re: Julie - Total physical response

par Martin Tvrdík,

Hello Julča,

I would say that your worksheet is really good and you’ve summed up everything. Your sheet is very clear, but i think that the ticks are little bit too short.

These above are just extentions to your sheet. 

Physical activity/action based drills        1) speaking is combined with psysical activity to demonstrate the action and expressions
                                                           2) Students move around as teacher leads/instruct them

  I would also widen the term of teaching aids to props (use of everyday/surrounding objects and buttons (on X hold on)

 Chunks – mainly compounding nouns and verbs

I would say that this method is more teacher centred than student centred f.e.  students listen before speaking and learn through commands. 


Your worksheet was nice and well-thought with many key words