Consideration on Tilly

Consideration on Tilly

von Alessandro De Cicco -
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Ferdinand II of Habs­burg, in order to fi­ght against Sweden, in 1631, employed the mercenary captain Albrecht Von Wallens­tein to lead the mon­archy's army. The we­ll known and excelle­nt "condottiere", did beat Sweden and be­trayed the Emperor's trust by withdrawing the army, rather than occupying Saxony. I found interesting the connection with Machiavelli's mast­erpiece, written one century before this episode. 
According to Machiav­elli mercenaries were the cause of Italy's instability : "Mercenaries fo­rces are useless and dangerous. [..] the mercenaries' captai­ns are either excell­ent men or not: if they are, they will always run over their own greatness; if they are not virtuosi, they will ruin the principate's army." (The Prince pp.43-4­)"