Title: Investing with Cryptocurrencies
Author: Dominik Vlajkov

Have you ever heard about Bitcoin?
This presentation may help you to become a millionare! (Guaranteed only if you are a billionare)

Video (backup):


  • LWLucie Wintrová - Sat, 15 May 2021, 2:48 PM
    Knowing the results of Petukhina's study, would you prefer to invest in CCs, something else or nothing at all? And why?
  • VAViktória Antalicová - Sat, 29 May 2021, 3:16 PM
    Thank you for your presentation Dominik! You most probably invest in cryptocurrencies so I would like to ask if you follow any of the strategies you mentioned on the slide 6 and if so, why ?
  • PVPetr Vejmělka - Thu, 3 Jun 2021, 12:32 AM
    Hello Dominik, thank you for your talk about implementing cryptocurrencies into portfolios. When talking about allocation strategies, you mentioned MinCVaR and presented it as a covariance. I am quite convinced that by this notation it is meant Conditional Value at Risk (as one of the risk measures, which would make sense in this context). What is the real interpretation of this strategy?