Title: Mathematical Paradoxes
Author: Lucie Wintrová

Try to do the following:
- watch this
- do not watch this

Video (backup): Video file (MP4) Mathematical paradoxes presentation.mp4


  • MKMartin Kuděj - Sun, 16 May 2021, 1:24 AM
    Hello. First of all, thank you for a nice talk. I admire your guts to choose such a hard and maybe even controversial topic. I am wondering about one thing: In a formal definition regarding the Banach-Tarski paradox, what does it mean that two sets are congruent i.e. how is that desired binary relation on all sets (if I undestand it correctly) defined? I would like to have one more comment: Try to be slightly more dynamic about the pace of your speech, it was something like "constantly slow", especially before talking about the specific examples of paradoxes and it almost made me fall asleep. But when you reached those specific examples, you certainly did a decent job and I respect that.
  • PVPetr Vejmělka - Mon, 17 May 2021, 8:33 PM
    Thank you for your nice talk, it was a pleasure to watch it. Since you mentioned the first-order logic, may I ask you for an explanation what is meant by that term?
  • KKKarolína Kučerová - Tue, 18 May 2021, 4:19 PM
    My dear Lucka,
    thank you very much for your introduction to paradoxes. I found B-T paradox especially interesting. If I may ask, what image forms in your mind when you think about non-measurable set? I'm interested about other opinions, since resembling of those pictures sometimes occure in my dreams and it seams imposible to describe them.
    Your slightly confusing friend. :D