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English B1. E-Learning - Zimní semestr 2021/22
Grammar Guidebook and Dictionary
Dictionary for the Course English B1. E-Learning
Dictionary for the Course English B1. E-Learning
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5. Unit 7
Vocabulary for Unit 7
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Syllabus of the Course: English B1. E-Learning
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Grammar Guidebook in Czech
Gramatické jevy probrané v kurzu Angličtina A1. E-Learning a Angličtina A2, E-learning
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Slovníček ke kurzu Angličtina A2. E-Learning
Představení kurzu - obsah a organizace
Jak pracovat s elearningovým kurzem Anglčitina A1 - a/nebo A2 a/nebo B1
Představení učebnice
Revision test A2 - pdf version
Audio - Revision test A2 - exercise 1
Audio - Revision test A2 - exercise 2
Revision test A2 - ANSWERS
Introduction test B1
Introductory Video - In the Café
Introductory Video - In the Café - tapescript
Presentation with comments - Week 2 - Part 1 - Unit 1 - material/handout to print - pdf version
Presentation with comments - Week 2 - Part 1 - Unit 1
Presentation with comments - Week 2 - Part 2 - Unit 2 - material/handout to print - pdf version (kopie)
Presentation with comments - Week 2 - Part 2 - Unit 2
Grammar Guidebook - Present Simple 1
Grammar Guidebook - Present Simple 2
Grammar Guidebook - Present Continuous
Grammar Guidebook - Adverbs of Frequency
Grammar Guidebook - Yes/No Questions
Grammar Guidebook - Wh-Questions
Grammar Guidebook - Relative Clauses
Exercise 1 - Navigate B1 - Unit 1 - question forms
Exercise 2 - Navigate B1 - Unit 1 - adverbs of frequency/frequency expressions
Exercise 3 - Navigate B1 - Unit 2 - present simple x present continuous
Exercise 4 - Navigate B1 - Unit 2 - defining/identifying relative clauses
YouTube - www.oxfordonlineenglish.com - How to Talk About Your Free Time and Hobbies in English - Spoken English Lesson
Link to the Dictionary - Unit 1 - Free-time activities
Exercise 1 - Vocabulary - Unit 1 - free-time activites
Exercise 2 - Vocabulary - Unit 1 - nouns and verbs with the same form
Exercise 3 - Vocabulary - Unit 1 - nouns and verbs with the same form
Link to the Dictionary - Unit 1: Weather
Exercise 4 - Vocabulary - Unit 1 - talking about weather
Exercise 5 - Vocabulary - Unit 1 - talking about likes and dislikes
Navigate B1 Pre-Intermediate - Coursebook - Vocabulary - talking about likes and dislikes
Week 2 - Unit 2 - Houshold objects - handout
Link to a YouTube video - Bob the Canadian: Let's Learn English Around the House and Home
Navigate B1 Pre-intermediate - Coursebook - Unit 1 - Video 1.5
Navigate B1 Pre-intermediate - Coursebook - Unit 2- Video 2.5
Introductory Video - A Nightmare Colleague
Introductory Video - A Nightmare Colleague - Tapescript
Presentations with comments - Week 3 - Part 1 - Unit 3 - material/handout to print - pdf version
Presentation with comments - Week 3 - Unit 3
Presentations with comments - Week 3 - Part 2 - Unit 4 - material/handout to print - pdf version
Presentation with comments - Week 3 - Part 2 - Unit 4
Grammar Guidebook - Past simple
Grammar Guidebook - Past continuous
Grammar Guidebook - Present continuous for future
Grammar Guidebook - vazba "going to" for future
Link to the Dictionary - Introductory Video - A Nightmare Colleague
Exercise 1 - Navigate B1 - Unit 3 - Past tenses (simple and continuous)
Exercise 2 - Navigate B1 - Unit 4 - Verb patterns (ing-form or infinitive with to)
Exercise 3 - Navigate B1 - Unit 4 - expressing future (present continuous x "going to")
Handout - YouTube video - allthingstopics.com - Emotions
Link to YouTube video - www.allthingstopics.com - 15 words - About Emotions
Link to the Dictionary - YouTube video - Emotions
Exercise 1 - Vocabulary - Adjectives describing feelings
Link to the Dictionary - Adjectives describing feelings - Navigate B1 Pre-intermediate
Presentation - Adverbs of Manner
Adverbs of Manner
Exercise 2 - Vocabulary - Adverbs of manner
Vocabulary - Internet Activities - Handout
Internet Activities - What activities do you do on the Internet?
The verb "get" and its meanings
Exercise 3 - Vocabulary - "get"
Exercise 4 - Listening and Writing Asignment - Telling and responding to a story
Exercise 5 - Listening and Vocabulary - telling and responding to a story
understanding -t and -d before a consonant
Presentation - Writing Emails - with comments
Exercise 6 - Writing Asignment - Writing Emails
Navigate B1 Pre-Intermediate - Coursebook - Unit 3 - Video 3.5
Navigate B1 Pre-Intermediate - Coursebook - Unit 4 - Video 4.5
Introductory video - In the Library
Introductory video - In the Library - tapescript
Presentations with comments - Week 4 - Unit 5 - material/handout to print - pdf version
Presentations with comments - Week 4 - Unit 5
Link to Grammar Guidebook - Articles
Link to Grammar Guidebook - Countable and Uncountable Nouns - Quantifiers
Link to the Dictionary (Angličtina A2) - Uncountable Nouns
Exercise 1 - Navigate B1 - Unit 5 - Articles
Exercise 2 - Navigate B1 - Unit 5 - Quantifiers
Exercise 3 - Navigate B1 - Unit 5 - Vocabulary - Adjectives for describing objects
Vocabulary - Money - Handout
YouTube video - How to Speak about Money in English
Link to the Dictionary - How to Speak about Money in English
Exercise 4 - Navigate B1 - Unit 5 - Vocabulary - understanding linkers for reason and result
Exercise 5 - Navigate B1 - Unit 5 - Vocabulary - suffixes
Exercise 6 - Navigate B1 - Unit 5 - Advice and Tips - How to explain words you don't know
Exercise 7 - Navigate B1 - Unit 5 - University Life - Emails 3: returning an online product
Exercise 8 - Writing Assignment - Email 3: returning an online product
Navigate B1 Pre-Intermediate - Coursebook - Unit 5 - Video 5.5
Introductory Video - A Personality Test
Introductory Video - A Personality Test - tapescript
Presentation with comments - Week 5 - Unit 6 - material/handout to print - pdf version
Presentation with comments - Week 5 - Unit 6 - video
Link to the Grammar Guidebook - Comparison (Adjectives)
Link to the Grammar Guidebook - Present Perfect Simple
Exercise 1 - Navigate B1 - Unit 6 - Comparison
Exercise 2 - Navigate B1 - Unit 6 - Present Perfect Simple x Past Simple
Exercise 3 - Vocabulary - Unit 6 - adjectives for describing character
Link to the Dictionary - Vocabulary - Unit 6 - adjectives for describing character
Link to the Dictionary - Vocabulary - Unit 6 - family
Exercise 4 - Vocabulary - Unit 6 - family
Vocabulary - Unit 6 - adjective prefixes
Recognizing linkers in fast speech
Exercise 5 - Vocabulary - giving and responding to news
Navigate B1 Pre-Intermediate - Coursebook - Unit 6 - Video 6.5
Introductory video - Unit 7 - Travel
Introductory video - Unit 7 - Travel - Video script
Presentation with comments - Week 6 - Unit 7 - material/handout to print - pdf version
Presentation with comments - Week 6 - Unit 7
Link to Grammar Guidebook - WILL
Link to Grammar Guidebook - MIGHT
Link to Grammar Guidebook - SOME x ANY
Link to Grammar Guidebook - NO x NONE x ANY
Exercise 1 - Navigate B1 - Unit 7 - Prediction
Exercise 2 - Navigate B1 - Unit 7 - some-, any-, every-, no-
Exercise 3 - Navigate B1 - Unit 7 - some-, any-, every-, no- + listening and reading
Exercise 4 - Navigate B1 - Unit 7 - Vocabulary - Transport
YouTube - Holiday and Travelling Vocabulary in English - HANDOUT
YouTube - Holiday and Travelling Vocabulary in English - VIDEO
Link to the Dictionary - YouTube - Holiday and Travelling Vocabulary in English
Presentation with comments - -ed and -ing adjectives - HANDOUT
Presentation with comments - -ed and -ing adjectives - VIDEO
Link to the Dictionary - Vocabulary: -ed and -ing adjectives
Exercise 5 - Unit 7 - Vocabulary - -ed and -ing adjectives
YouTube video: Learn English for hotel tourism: "Checking into a hotel"; English course by Lingua TV - HANDOUT
YouTube video: Learn English for hotel tourism: "Checking into a hotel"; English course by Lingua TV
Link to the Dictionary: YouTube video: Learn English for hotel tourism: "Checking into a hotel"; English course by Lingua TV
Exercise 6 - Unit 7 - Writing - short notes and messages
Exercise 7 - Writing - short notes and messages
Navigate B1 Pre-Intermediate - Coursebook - Unit 7 - 7.5
Introductory video - Unit 8 - The secrets of successful education
Introductory video - Unit 8 - The secrets of successful education - Video script
Presentation with comments - Week 7 - Unit 8 - material/handout to print - pdf version
Presentation with comments - Week 7 - Unit 8
Link to the Grammar Guidebook - can/could/be able to
Link to the Grammar Guidebook - must/needn't/mustn't/have to
Exercise 1 - Navigate B1 - Unit 8 - ability
Exercise 2 - Navigate B1 - Unit 8 - obligation, necessity and permission
Instruction for the subsection Vocabulary - Education
Exercise 3 - Vocabulary: Education - Navigate B1
Link to the Dictionary - Exercise 3 - Vocabulary: Education - Navigate B1
Exercise 4 - Vocabulary: Education - Link to the YouTube video - Speak about Education in English: School, College, University Vocabulary
Exercise 4A - Vocabulary: Education - Listening Comprehension (YouTube video) - pdf version
Exercise 4A - Vocabulary: Education - YouTube video
Exercise 4B - Vocabulary: Education - Listening Comprehension (YouTube video) - handout
Link to the Dictionary - Exercise 4 - Vocabulary: Education - Link to the YouTube video - Speak about Education in English: School, College, University Vocabulary
Exercise 5 - Vocabulary: Education - Navigate B1 - Reading Comprehension
Exercise 6 - Vocabulary: make x do - Navigate B1
Exercise 7 - Vocabulary: asking for clarification
Advice and Tips - Week 7 - understanding connected speech - presentation - pdf version for printing
Advice and Tips - Week 7 - understanding connected speech - Navigate B1 - presentation with comments - Part 1
Advice and Tips - Week 7 - understanding connected speech - Navigate B1 - presentation with comments - Part 2
Advice and Tips - Week 7 - understanding connected speech - Navigate B1 - p.80 ex.3 - audio script
Exercise 8 - University Life - completing a form - vocabulary
Exercise 9 - University Life - completing a form - listening - handout to be printed
Exercise 9 - University Life - completing a form - listening (correct the mistakes)
Navigate B1 - Pre-Intermediate - Coursebook - Unit 8 - Video 8.5
Introductory video - Unit 9 - Health and Fitness
Introductory video - Unit 9 - Health and Fitness - Video script
Presentation with comments - Week 8 - Unit 9 - material/handout to print - pdf version
Presentation with comments - Week 8 - Unit 9
Link to the Grammar Book - Zero Conditional
Link to the Grammar Book - 1st Conditional and Time Clauses
Exercise 1 - Navigate B1 - Unit 9 -Reading Comprehension
Exercise 2 - Navigate B1 - Unit 9 - 1st Conditionals
Exercise 3 - Navigate B1 - Unit 9 - Time Clauses
Exercise 4 - Navigate B1 - Unit 9 - Body and Actions
Link to the Dictionary - Vocabulary - Exercise 4 - Navigate B1 - Unit 9 - Body and Actions
Exercise 5 - Navigate B1 - Unit 9 - Health and Fitness
YouTube Video - Speak about Health and Illnesses in English - HANDOUT
YouTube Video - Speak about Health and Illnesses in English - LINK
Link to the Dictionary - YouTube Video - Speak about Heatlh and Illnesses in English
Exercise 6 - Navigate B1 - Unit 9 - using sequencing words to understand
Exercise 7 - Navigate B1 - Unit 9 - verbs and prepositions
Exercise 8 - Navigate B1 - Unit 9 - asking for help and giving advice
Exercise 9 - Navigate B1 - Unit 9 - a formal covering letter - introduction
Exercise 9 - Navigate B1 - Unit 9 - a formal covering letter - writing assignment
Navigate B1 Pre-Intermediate - Coursebook - Unit 9 - 9.5
Introductory video - Unit 10 - Food - A question of taste - What do you like?
Introductory video - Unit 10 - Food - A question of taste - What do you like? - Video Script
Link to the Dictionary: Week 9 - Unit 10 - Food - Introductory video
Presentation with comments - Week 9 - Unit 10 - material for printing
Presentation with comments - Week 9 - Unit 10 - Food
Link to the Grammar Guidebook: -ing form
Link to the Grammar Guidebook: the passive
Exercise 1 - Navigate B1 - Unit 10 - -ing forms
Exercise 2 - Navigate B1 - Unit 10 - the passive
1) Vocabulary - wordlist - Navigate B1 - Unit 10
1) Link to the Dictionary - Navigate B1 - Wordlist Unit 10
2) Link to the Dictionary (Course A1) - Foods
2) Link to the Dictionary (Course A1) - Fruits and Vegetables
3) Link to YouTube video - English - Healthy or unhealthy lifestyle?
3) YouTube video - English - Healthy or unhealthy lifestyle? - VIDEO SCRIPT
3) YouTube video - English - Healthy or unhealthy lifestyle? - true x false questions - pdf
3) Exercise 3 - YouTube video - English - Healthy or unhealthy lifestyle? - true x false questions
4) Exercise 4 - Vocabulary - Food
Link to the Dictionary - Containers (and units)
Exercise 5 - Vocabulary - Food containers
Exercise 6 - Vocabulary - understanding reference words
Exercise 7 - Advice and Tips - words with more than one meaning
Exercise 8 - problems in a restaurant
Exercise 9 - a restaurant review
Exercise 10 - using apostrophe
Exercise 10 - using apostrophe - HANDOUT
Navigate B1 Pre-intermediate - Coursebook - Unit 10 - Video 10.5
1) Introductory video - the World
1) Introductory video - the World - video script
2) Introductory presentation with comments - 2nd conditionals - material for printing
2) Introductory presentation with comments - 2nd conditionals - Part 1
2) Introductory presentation with comments - 2nd conditionals - Part 2
2) Introductory presentation Navigate B1 - Unit 11 p. 106 ex. 5a - audioscript
2) Introductory presentation Navigate B1 - Unit 11 p. 107 ex. 7b - audioscript
Link to the Grammar Guidebook - 2nd Conditionals
3) Introductory presentation with comments - used to - material for printing
3) Introductory presentation with comments - used to
Exercise 1 - Navigate B1 - 2nd Conditionals
Exercise 2 - Navigate B1 - used to
1) BBC Learning English - Vocabulary: News - Link to the website
1) BBC Learning English - Vocabulary: News - Link to the Dictionary
2) YouTube video - Crown Academy of English - English Listening Test - Vocabulary from the news - handout
2) YouTube video - Crown Academy of English - English listening test - Vocabulary from the news - link to YouTube
2) YouTube video - Crown Academy of English - English listening test - Vocabulary from the news - link to the Dictionary
3) Exercise 3 - Link to the Dictionary
3) Exercise 3 - Navigate B1 - the news
Phrasal Verbs - Explanations
Exercise 4 - Navigate B1 - phrasal verbs
Essential Grammar in Use - Phrasal Verbs
Link to the Dictionary - Vocabulary: phrasal verbs
Exercise 5 - Listening: understanding connected speech - common expressions - Handout
Exercise 5 - Listening: understanding connected speech - common expressions
Exercise 5 - Listening: understanding connected speech - common expressions - KEY and AUDIO SCRIPTS
Exercise 6 - Navigate B1 - expressing and responding to opinions
Exercise 7 - Navigate B1 - a presentation
Exercise 8 - Navigete B1 - a presentation
Exercise 8 - Navigate B1 - a presentation - HANDOUT
Exercise 9 - Navigete B1 - a presentation - writing assignment
Navigate B1 Pre-Intermediate - Coursebook - Unit 6 - Video 6.5 (kopie)
Introductory video - Unit 12 - Work
Introductory video - Unit 12 - Work - video script
Introductory presentation with comments Unit 12 - present perfect simple with for and since - material for printing_pdf
Introductory presentation with comments Unit 12 - present perfect simple with for and since
Times of the presentation - Unit 12 - present perfect simple with for and since
Link to the Grammar Guidebook - present perfect simple
Introductory presentation with comments Unit 12 - uses of infinitive with to - material for printing_pdf
Introductory presentation with comments Unit 12 - uses of infinitive with to
Times of the presentation - Unit 12 - uses of infinitive with to
Exercise 1 - present perfect simple with for and since
Exercise 2 - uses of infinitive with to
Link to the Dictionary - Vocabulary: jobs, professions, workplace
Exercise 3 - Vocabulary: Jobs, Professions, Workplaces
Exercise 4 - Listening - Vocabulary: Jobs, Professions, Workplaces
1) YouTube video on jobs: Jobs and Occupations Vocabulary with sentences - HANDOUT
1) YouTube video on jobs: Jobs and Occupations Vocabulary with senteces - video
1) Link to the Dictionary - YouTube video on jobs: Jobs and Occupations Vocabulary with senteces
2) YouTube video: Be professional! Never say this at work! - video
2) Link to the Dictionary - YouTube video: Be professional! Never say this at work!
Link to the Dictionary - Vocabulary: Job Responsibilities
Exercise 5 - Listening - Vocabulary: Job Responsibilities
Exercise 5 B, C - Listening - Vocabulary - Job Responsibilities
What is an idiom?
Exercise 6 - Vocabulary: phrases with in
YouTube video - Espresso English - 15 English spoken phrases with IN and ON - presentation
Espresso English - 15 English spoken phrases with IN and ON - website
Link to the Dictionary - 15 English spoken phrases with IN and ON
Exercise 7 - Advice and Tips - understanding linkers for surprising information
Link to the website: Europa.eu - Europass - EN - How to write a CV
Exercise 8 - University Life - sample CVs
Exercise 9 - University Life - your own CV
Navigate B1 Pre-Intermediate - Coursebook - Unit 5 - Video 12.5
Answer Key to all progress tests Navigate B1 - Version A
Progress test 1A (Units 1-3)
Recording 1 - Navigate B1 - Progress Test 1A (Units 1-3) - Exercise 1
Progress test 2A (Units 4-6)
Recording 2 - Navigate B1 - Progress Test 2A (Units 4-6) - Exercise 1
Progress test 3A (Units 7-9)
Recording 3 - Navigate B1 - Progress Test 3A (Units 7-9) - Exercise 1
Progress test 4A (Units 10-12)
Recording 4 - Navigate B1 - Progress Test 2A (Units 10-12) - Exercise 1
Final Progress Test B1 - Závěrečný postupový test B1
Final Test
Final Test - Writing
English B1. E-Learning. - Feedback - Winter Semester 2021/22
Gramatické jevy probrané v kurzu Angličtina A1. E-Learning a Angličtina A2, E-learning ►