Dictionary for the Course English B1. E-Learning

2. Unit 3+4

2.1. W3 - U3+4 - Introductory Video - A Nightmare Colleague

Week 3 - Introductory video - A Nightmare Colleague
These might be some words you do not know and that appear in the introductory video. For the pronunciation see the video. The order is according to their appearance in the video.
nightmare noční můra
upset nešťastný
cover letter motivační dopis
apply for ucházet se o/zažádat o
take some rest from odpočinout si
department oddělení/katedra
at least alespoň
immediately okamžitě
treat ssb zacházet s někým
report zpráva
be supposed to do sth * od někoho se něco čeká
quit the job odejít z práce/dát výpověď
tell sb the truth říkat pravdu
maybe možná
* He is supposed to help me. - Má mi pomáhat.
* You aren't supposed to park here. - Tady bys neměl parkovat