Computer solutions of continuum physics problems
Section outline
Lecture syllabus is at
Detailed description of each lecture and repository of tutorial codes is accessible at
# Laplace equation on unit square problem. - simple domain/mesh generation - define linear and bilinear form - see the solution and plot the error
# Time-dependent convection diffusion problem. - time-loop and storage of timedependent data - different ways how to mark boundary parts for boundary conditons - Expression definition by subclassing versus compiled expression
# Time-dependent convection diffusion with small diffusion coefficient - various initial data by UserExpression class - SUPG and interior penalty stabilization for Galerkin finite elements
# Navier-Stokes equation -- flow around cylinder benchmark - set up more complicated domain and generate mesh - using mixed finite element spaces for coupled systems - solving nonlinear problems using `NonlinearVariationalProblem` and `NonlinearVariationalSolver` classes - reproduce the [flow around cylinder benchmark](