Тематический план

  • Standard vs. non-standard English

  • Communication: Ideals and Problems

    • The text is quite long, therefore, try to read the whole text but make sure you focus on one part. Please see the table in our document and indicate the part of your choosing. 

      Please read the text and take notes/highlight passages that you would like to discuss. You can focus on the parts that you wholeheartedly agree with, but also on the ones that you would like to criticize. Remember to perform a critical reading - i.e. read as "a friend of the text", and "as the enemy". How does the theory apply to your experience?

      Be able to summarize the text (in around 3-5 min, including your comments)

      Language skills:

      Do not check too many words in the dictionary. This should be a pleasurable experience. Try to grasp the idea from the context and resort to checking if you do not understand the message. Should you encounter only a few new expressions, (depending on your language level), do not hesitate to check all of them. The total should not exceed 20 new expressions, if you find work with the dictionary strenuous.

      Please write down not only the expressions that are new to you, but also those which are not retained in your active vocabulary, yet you consider these useful.

      Write 5 new expressions into our googledoc.

      Think of at least 2 questions and 2 comments on the text. 

      While presenting use the expressions you've noted down (to enrich your active vocabulary range)

  • Feminism in Academia

    • 1)Read the text.

      2) Highlight interesting/irritating passages or any that provoke a reaction (at least 3 passages)

      3) Work with vocabulary: write down 10 new items or known to you, but not in your active vocabulary range. 

      4) Summarize the text (use the new vocabulary. Practice aloud before class).

      5) How has feminism affected your area? How does it manifest itself in your field? 

    • Please write notes from your discussion. Try to use new vocabulary (that you've translated/that I've noted down). Also make sure you comprehend the terminology from the pdf file.

  • Academic English

  • Call for Papers: March 25 and April 8 (self-study session - group work)

    • Preparing the CFP: group work

      1)      Discuss the ideas for a conference that you would like to organize/attend – as related to your research/area of study. Think how to make it interdisciplinary, bearing in mind your colleagues’ background. Make sure everyone in the group presents their idea.

      2)      Search for an appropriate theme which would create space for all the ideas you have mentioned. Start a googledoc (or another shared document), where you can jot down ideas, and continue with the task described below. Do not forget to exchange contacts within your group.

      3)      Come up with a sentence describing the topic of the conference. Then try to find a short catchy title.

      4)      Formulate certain research questions (min 3) and name fields of inquiry (more à expressed in bullet points)

      1. First brainstorm everything, then select good ideas

      5)      Consider theoretical framework for the cfp

      1. You might use a quote – not too long – short and sexy
      2. Prepare to work on your call for papers:

      Structure of the CFP

      1)      Introduction – general background introducing the theme of the conference. (You might use a quote here)

      2)      Motivation for the conference, its goal

      3)      Suggest several research questions and more possible issues to examine expressed in bullet points.


      Write a call for papers – collaboratively of around 300-400 words

      Make sure you sign your work with the names of all the group members. At every stage of your work remember to involve all group members. Be encouraging and patient towards your more introverted/less confident colleagues. Speak English and enjoy the task and cooperation!

  • How to write an abstract

    • Write the abstract of your presentation. Use 200-300 words. Remember to follow the principles of the academic style and the rules of how to write an abstract:

      - just a summary of your presentation, (it's not a story of how you felt when you were presenting, factual, moderate language)

      - avoid repetitions: try to use vocabulary we've been learning, see thesaurus.com for synonyms, or use various grammar instruments to replace the recurrent word.

      - no quotes necessary

      - include a few key words. 

      For more rules see the website. 

  • Citation style

  • Academic writing: guidelines

  • How to learn foreign languages?

  • Interdisciplinarity

  • Grammar: Conditionals

  • Presentation: Task Description

  • Conferences