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Obnova Zálohy Economic Warfare
Section outline
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Select activity Oznámení
Select activity Oznámení
Select section Week 1: Introduction to the class and the class requirements
Week 1: Introduction to the class and the class requirements
Select activity Karl Gustafsson and Linus Hagstrom What is the point teaching graduate students how to construct political science research puzzles
Karl Gustafsson and Linus Hagstrom What is the point teaching graduate students how to construct political science research puzzles
Select activity Economic Warfare syllabus SS2019 update 20190305
Economic Warfare syllabus SS2019 update 20190305
Select section Week 2: Economy as a source of power in war (lecture)
Week 2: Economy as a source of power in war (lecture)
Select activity Hugh Rockoff The economics of war
Hugh Rockoff The economics of war
Select activity Jan Ludvik Poverty of Statistics
Jan Ludvik Poverty of Statistics
Select activity Mark Harrison Why the Wealthy Won
Mark Harrison Why the Wealthy Won
Select activity Mark Harrison The economics of World War II an overview
Mark Harrison The economics of World War II an overview
Select activity Niall Ferguson Understretch The Limits of Economic Power
Niall Ferguson Understretch The Limits of Economic Power
Select activity reading assignment Economy as a source of power in war
reading assignment Economy as a source of power in war
Select section Week 3: Economy as a source of power in war (seminar)
Week 3: Economy as a source of power in war (seminar)
Select activity Mini case study 1: Regime type and economic mobilization for war
Mini case study 1: Regime type and economic mobilization for war
Turnitin-Aufgabe 2
Select activity Group conclusion 1
Group conclusion 1
Select section Week 4: Economy as a target in war (lecture)
Week 4: Economy as a target in war (lecture)
Select activity Jurgen Brauer and Hubert van Tuyll The Age of the World Wars, 1914-1945 The Case of Diminishing Marginal Returns to the Strategic Bombing of Germany in World War II
Jurgen Brauer and Hubert van Tuyll The Age of the World Wars, 1914-1945 The Case of Diminishing Marginal Returns to the Strategic Bombing of Germany in World War II
Select activity Adam Tooze Chapter 19 Disintegration and Chapter 20 The End
Adam Tooze Chapter 19 Disintegration and Chapter 20 The End
Select activity Joel Ira Holwitt, Execute Against Japan The U.S. Decision to Conduct Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Chapter 11 and Conclusion
Joel Ira Holwitt, Execute Against Japan The U.S. Decision to Conduct Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Chapter 11 and Conclusion
Select activity Karl Lautenschlager The Submarine in Naval Warfare, 1901-2001
Karl Lautenschlager The Submarine in Naval Warfare, 1901-2001
Select activity Michael A. Glosny Strangulation from the Sea A PRC Submarine Blockade of Taiwan
Michael A. Glosny Strangulation from the Sea A PRC Submarine Blockade of Taiwan
Select activity reading assignment Economy as a target in war
reading assignment Economy as a target in war
Select section Week 5: Economy as a target in war (seminar)
Week 5: Economy as a target in war (seminar)
Select activity Mini case study 2: Are new tools like cyber-attacks against economic targets more effective than traditional tools of economic warfare like blockades, submarine warfare, or strategic bombing?
Mini case study 2: Are new tools like cyber-attacks against economic targets more effective than traditional tools of economic warfare like blockades, submarine warfare, or strategic bombing?
Turnitin-Aufgabe 2
Select activity Group conclusion 2
Group conclusion 2
Select section Week 6: Policy session I
Week 6: Policy session I
Select section Week 7: Economic sanctions (lecture)
Week 7: Economic sanctions (lecture)
Select activity Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Jeffrey J. Schott, Kimberly Ann Elliott, Barbara Oegg-Economic Sanctions Reconsidered (2008)
Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Jeffrey J. Schott, Kimberly Ann Elliott, Barbara Oegg-Economic Sanctions Reconsidered (2008)
Select activity Robert Pape Why Economic Sanctions Do Not Work
Robert Pape Why Economic Sanctions Do Not Work
Select activity Daniel W. Drezner The Sanctions Paradox Introduction and Conclusion
Daniel W. Drezner The Sanctions Paradox Introduction and Conclusion
Select activity Daniel W. Drezner Sanctions Sometimes Smart Targeted Sanctions in Theory and Practice
Daniel W. Drezner Sanctions Sometimes Smart Targeted Sanctions in Theory and Practice
Select activity Bryan Early Busted Sanctions Explaining Why Economic Sanctions Fail Introduction and Chpater 2
Bryan Early Busted Sanctions Explaining Why Economic Sanctions Fail Introduction and Chpater 2
Select activity reading assignment Economic sanctions
reading assignment Economic sanctions
Select activity LECTURE Economic sanctions new
LECTURE Economic sanctions new
Select section Week 8: Economic sanctions (seminar)
Week 8: Economic sanctions (seminar)
Select activity Mini case study 3: Are economic sanctions a real alternative to war?
Mini case study 3: Are economic sanctions a real alternative to war?
Turnitin-Aufgabe 2
Select activity Group conclusion 3
Group conclusion 3
Select section Week 9: Logic of positive engagements (lecture)
Week 9: Logic of positive engagements (lecture)
Select activity Daniel W. Drezner The Trouble with Carrots Transaction Costs, Conflict Expectation, and Economic Inducement
Daniel W. Drezner The Trouble with Carrots Transaction Costs, Conflict Expectation, and Economic Inducement
Select activity Charles W. Kegley and Steven W. Hook U.S. Foreign Aid and UN Voting Did Reagans Linkage Strategy Buy Deferrence or Defiance
Charles W. Kegley and Steven W. Hook U.S. Foreign Aid and UN Voting Did Reagans Linkage Strategy Buy Deferrence or Defiance
Select activity Miroslav Nincic The Logic of Positive Engagement Dealing with Renegade Regimes
Miroslav Nincic The Logic of Positive Engagement Dealing with Renegade Regimes
Select activity James Reilly Chinas economic statecraft in Europe
James Reilly Chinas economic statecraft in Europe
Select activity Stephen D. Collins Can America Finance Freedom Assessing US Democracy Promotion via Economic Statecraft
Stephen D. Collins Can America Finance Freedom Assessing US Democracy Promotion via Economic Statecraft
Select activity Logic of Positive Engagements new
Logic of Positive Engagements new
Select section Week 10: reading week on counterfactuals
Week 10: reading week on counterfactuals
Select activity Jack Levy Countrafactuals, Causal Inference, and Historical Analysis
Jack Levy Countrafactuals, Causal Inference, and Historical Analysis
Select section Week 11: Logic of positive engagements (seminar)
Week 11: Logic of positive engagements (seminar)
Select activity Mini case study 4: Can positive economic incentives achieve what negative economic incentives cannot?
Mini case study 4: Can positive economic incentives achieve what negative economic incentives cannot?
Turnitin-Aufgabe 2
Select activity Group conclusion 4
Group conclusion 4
Select section Week 12: Policy session 2
Week 12: Policy session 2
Select activity Background reading
Background reading
Select section Week 13: Wrap-up session and peer assesment
Week 13: Wrap-up session and peer assesment
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