Aperçu des semaines

  • Généralités

  • 1 mars - 7 mars

    We did introductions, talked about the course requirements and covered p. 119 (the first page of Unit 9) in the  Students' Book.

    The lesson was an absolute masterpiece with astonishing Zoom skills and over-the-top pair work.

  • 8 mars - 14 mars

    We devoted the lesson to Unit 9.1 in the Students' Book. We succeeded in covering the reading and dependent prepositions.

    In later life, the teacher may improve on the quality of his instruction, perhaps even win an award in recognition of his pedagogical prowess.

    Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.


    • SB p. 121/Ex. 7
    • ESP p. 61 / Ex. 6
  • 15 mars - 21 mars

    We covered:   ESP p. 61 / Ex. 6 and Students' Book p. 122

    (During this lesson the teacher experienced a Eureka moment:  he realized that he himself is a visionary. According to Forbes Magazine, visionaries have their shortcomings, which include not staying focused and following through, having too many ideas and unrealistic optimism, and not managing details and holding people accountable. He wonders if his students can relate to this type of thing.)



    ESP p. 11-12. Read “The Long Road To Calculus”.

  • 22 mars - 28 mars

    We covered Unit 9.2 (SB p. 123-124) + Commonly Confused Words (SB p. 129)

    Homework:  SB p. 129 / Ex. 2-3

  • 29 mars - 4 avril

    We discussed "The Long Road to Calculus" and "Shortcomings of a Visionary".

    We went over the homework: SB 129/ Ex. 1 and 3.

    We covered Unit 9.3 / Ex. 6 - 10

    Homework: ESP 61-62 / Ex. 7 (Refer to ESP pp. 121-128 if you're not sure how to read certain notation.)

  • 5 avril - 11 avril

    We covered Students' Book p. 127:  Unreal past; conditionals review.

    We also did ESP p. 61-62. Ex. 7

  • 12 avril - 18 avril



    • Please take this test on Unit 9 of the Students' Book.

      Hand in your answers, in your format of choice, by submitting it here in the Moodle. (I hope you know how to do that.)

      By submitting it you will gain access to the answer key and you can check your answers.

    • Fichier icon
      Answer Key - Test Unit 9 Fichier
      Non disponible à moins que : L'activité Test - Unit 9 of Students' Book soit marquée comme achevée
  • 19 avril - 25 avril

  • 26 avril - 2 mai

    Homework: ESP - p.63-67

    Writing assignment:

    I assume you will take the obligatory English exam at the end of this semester. For the oral part of the obligatory English exam you will need to have 30 pages of specialized text and be able to answer the examiner's questions about it.

    To help you in this, instead of the usual essay, I would like you to obtain those 30 pages now and write a half page summary of what it's about and a half page of your opinion on it.

    It should be a text from your field, either mathematics, physics or computer science/informatics. It should be a college-level academic text (not "Algebra for Dummies", for example).

    Under normal circumstances I would ask you to provide a book, which seems easier to me than photocopying 30 pages. However, under the present circumstances it looks like you will need an electronic version of the text for the obligatory English exam. For the purposes of this assignment, however, it is not necessary to show me the text. It will suffice to tell me the title, author(s) and year of publication (e.g. Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday & Resnick, 2nd edition, 1984).

    Please note: if you choose a text for this assignment and then for the exam decide you want to use a different text, no problem. This assignment only relates to this course.

  • 3 mai - 9 mai

    We went over ESP pp. 63-67.

    Homework:  ESP study pp. 71-75.

    • As per the previous week's instructions, please complete the writing assignment (half page summary + half page opinion) and submit it here. I prefer Word documents, which are easiest for me to make corrections and comments in.

      I have reconsidered the deadline.

      Deadline:  May 26

  • 10 mai - 16 mai

    HW: ESP

    • p. 75 / Ex. 1 (a) - (j)
    • p. 77 / Ex. 2 (a) - (j)

  • 17 mai - 23 mai

    HW: ESP

    • p. 75 / Ex. 1 (k) - (q)
    • p. 77 / Ex. 2 (k) - (t)
  • 24 mai - 30 mai


    Please read the poem "The Unknown Citizen" by W. H. Auden


  • 31 mai - 6 juin

    I handed back the writing assignments with my corrections and comments.

    If you have any questions about my comments, feel free to contact me. We can resolve it either by email or we can arrange a Zoom consultation.

    We also finished the ESP (pp. 71-77).