History of Music I.
Section outline
Lecture No. 2: Video-presentation Secular Monody: Plainsong URL
Lecture No. 5a: Medieval Secular Music Fichier
Lecture No. 6: The Renaissance / An Introduction + G. Dufay, Josquin Desprez URL
Lecture No. 7: 16th Century: G. P. da Palestrina / Read my commentary at first URL
Renaissance - part II. / Additional Materials Fichier
Lecture No. 9: The Baroque Period / An Introduction URL
Lecture No. 9: The Baroque Period / General Historical Background Fichier
Lecture No. 10a: Dramatic Music of the Early Baroque Period / Cl. Monteverdi Fichier
Lecture No. 10b: Dramatic Music of the Baroque Period / My Lecture URL