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PVP Culture & Society of Central & South Eastern Europe, 1600 - 1800 AHSV10272
24 May – due date of the final essay
24 May – due date of the final essay
Section outline
From the Realms of the Habsburgs to the Austrian Empire 17 May
Select activity Final Essay
Final Essay
From the Realms of the Habsburgs to the Austrian Empire 17 May
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Assignments and Syllabus
The Early Modern State, 1 March
Austria: The Habsburg Heartland, 8 March
Bohemia: Limited Acceptance, 15 March
Hungary: Limited Rejection, 22 March
The German Empire: Limited Hegemony, 29 March
5 April, due date of the mid-term paper
The Role of Wars in State Formation,12 April
Charles VI. (II/III) – War of the Spanish Succession and his Rule in Austria, Bohemia and Hungary,19 April
Financial Pressure and Reform” during the reign of Maria Theresa 1740-1780, 26 April
Joseph II - The Enlightenment pursuit of improvement through government 3 May
Enlightenment and improvement: continental and regional perspectives 10 May
From the Realms of the Habsburgs to the Austrian Empire 17 May