Section outline

  • reading
    • Ong, Aihwa (1988): The Production of Possession: Spirits and the Multinational Corporation in Malaysia.  American Ethnologist 15/1: 28-42
    guiding questions
    • What is medicalization?
    • How is spirit possesion interpreted by:
    • Psychologists, medical doctors, managers (policy makers), anthropologists?
    • What is the aim of these people in relation to spirit possesions under the study?
    • How should be dealt with it according to these people?
    • How the nature-culture relation could be interpreted on the basis of this study?
    • What is the relation between body, culture, and power in the example described?
    discussion questions
    •Relate the paper to the Douglas‘, Foucault‘s and Merleau-Ponty‘ approach to the body.
    •i.e. apply the theory of social body, docile bodies and embodiment on the example analyzed by Ong.