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Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Department of Adapted Physical Education and Sport Medicine
Adapted physical activity - PZTV169C
4. Physical activities and sport for people with hearing loss and visual impairment
4. Physical activities and sport for people with hearing loss and visual impairment
Section outline
3. Adaptation and classification for an elite sport
5. Physical activities and sport for people with locomotor handicap (e.g. amputation, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury)
Select activity Physical activities and sport for people with hearing loss and visual impairment
Physical activities and sport for people with hearing loss and visual impairment
3. Adaptation and classification for an elite sport
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Main course page
1. Introduction into APA
2. Psychological considerations, motivation and adherence in sports
3. Adaptation and classification for an elite sport
5. Physical activities and sport for people with locomotor handicap (e.g. amputation, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury)
6. Physical activities and sport for people with psychosocial impairment
5. Physical activities and sport for people with locomotor handicap (e.g. amputation, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury)