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Open course index
Faculty of Social Science
Institute of Economic Studies
Banking 2020/2021
6.1.2021 - L11 - Guest Lecture on Investment Banking and FX Risk Management (Mr. Tomas Hochmeister, Head of Investment Banking, Komercni banka), T11- Review and Q&A Session for All Topics Covered in the Course
6.1.2021 - L11 - Guest Lecture on Investment Banking and FX Risk Management (Mr. Tomas Hochmeister, Head of Investment Banking, Komercni banka), T11- Review and Q&A Session for All Topics Covered in the Course
Section outline
16.12.2020 - L10 - Understanding IFRS 9 Expected Credit Loss (ECL) Provisioning, T10 - Calculating IFRS 9 ECL Provisions
Final Test
Select activity L11 Guest Lecture Investment Banking and FX Risk Management
L11 Guest Lecture Investment Banking and FX Risk Management
Students must
Mark as done
16.12.2020 - L10 - Understanding IFRS 9 Expected Credit Loss (ECL) Provisioning, T10 - Calculating IFRS 9 ECL Provisions
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30.9.2020 - L01 - Introduction to the Course and Administrative Issues, T01 - Recap of Financial Mathematics
7.10.2020 - L02 - Principles of Banking, T02 - Financial statement analysis
14.10.2020 - L03 - Principles of Risk Measurement and Risk Management, T03 - Credit Application
16.10.2020 - Additional Seminar
21.10.2020 - L04 - Credit risk measurement and management, T04 - Credit risk
28.10.2020 - National Day - no lecture or tutorial
4.11.2020 - L05 - Market risk measurement and management, T05 - Market risk
11.11.2020 - L05-T05 - cont., Mid-term test
18.11.2020 - L06 - Bank Regulation, T06 - Bank Regulation
25.11.2020 - L07 - Bank Capital, T07 - Bank Capital
2.12.2020 - L08 - Liquidity risk and liability management, T08 - Liquidity risk
9.12.2020 - L09 - Central Banking, T09 - Central Banking
16.12.2020 - L10 - Understanding IFRS 9 Expected Credit Loss (ECL) Provisioning, T10 - Calculating IFRS 9 ECL Provisions
Final Test
Final Test